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Get comfortable being uncomfortable

That is how the old navy saying goes, and that is the sort of mindset that every fresh inductee is expected to develop in the months of training ahead of them.

Their commanding officer stands before them as they wake up daily during the early training days to lay still in the freezing Pacific sand until their body temperature reaches close to potential hypothermia. It is not just conditioning for the body, for the muscles to get used to carrying the weight of guns through the freezing trenches of mud and water, but also conditioning for the mind.

Inductees walk in with shivering bodies and leave with nerves of steel.

One major aspect of their training regimen is to learn the ability to conduct covert operations through water bodies. Naturally, they are required to learn how to carry weaponry with them in these challenging circumstances.

This begs the question, especially for all of us sitting on the couch while we sip our beers…

How do they even do it?

Have you ever tried walking straight through a swimming pool? It feels impossible! Then how do these soldiers carry pounds of guns and ammunition through unimaginable currents and tides?

What makes these individuals Navy Seals?

There is strength and dexterity, but also a pull of science. Let’s see how…

Waterproof Firearms: Specialized Underwater Arsenal

The fundamental challenge of carrying firearms underwater lies in preventing water from entering the barrel, which could disrupt the firing mechanism and render the weapon useless. Navy SEALs use specially designed waterproof firearms to address this issue. These weapons are equipped with seals and mechanisms to keep water out, allowing them to function effectively beneath the surface.

SEALs’ Weaponry of Choice: The MK 25 SEAL Pistol

The MK 25 SEAL Pistol is a prime example of a firearm adapted for underwater use. Based on the Sig Sauer P226, this semi-automatic pistol is equipped with features such as a corrosion-resistant finish and a specially designed coating to prevent water from entering the barrel. The SEALs favor the MK 25’s reliability and versatility, making it a staple in their underwater arsenal.

Understanding the Friction Effect: Subsurface Shooting Techniques

Shooting underwater is markedly different from shooting on land due to the increased resistance of water. Navy SEALs are trained in unique shooting techniques that take this resistance into account. Instead of relying on the traditional firing method from a distance, SEALs use a close-quarters combat approach. By minimizing the distance between themselves and the target, they can compensate for the drag created by water and maintain accuracy. Naturally, this requires conditioning their body to deal with sharp underwater currents to ensure they can reach their target in the first place.

Suppressors for Stealth: Maintaining the Element of Surprise

SEALs prioritize stealth in their operations, and using suppressors (silencers) on their firearms is a crucial element. Underwater, sound travels differently than in the air, but suppressors still play a vital role in minimizing noise and maintaining the element of surprise. The reduced noise signature is essential for executing covert missions without alerting nearby threats.

Specialized Ammunition: Adapting Bullets for Underwater Warfare

Conventional bullets are designed to travel through air, not water. To overcome this challenge, Navy SEALs use specialized ammunition that performs effectively in underwater environments. These specially designed rounds have a unique shape and composition to maintain stability and accuracy underwater. SEALs carefully select their ammunition to ensure optimal performance in diverse operational settings.


So, what is it then?

It is a combination of cutting-edge technology, specialized weaponry, and advanced training techniques. The MK 25 SEAL Pistol, underwater shooting techniques, suppressors, and specialized ammunition collectively enable SEALs to operate effectively in aquatic environments, adding another layer of capability to their already formidable skill set.

But what lies behind all of this is everything that propels them forward to join a division as tough and competitive as the Navy in the first place. These individuals carry with them the wishes and strengths of everyone they have left behind in the country they are out to defend.

That and a different mindset.

The mindset of a Navy Seal is not bothered by the daily troubles of life. What makes them wake up in the morning and lay in the freezing sand with hundreds of other inductees and repeat every day is not motivation but a sense of discipline.

It is this discipline that makes them put their life in front of the needs of the country.

In Robert B. Marcus Jr.’s book, The Far Side of Silence, when Air Force One was shot down over the Mediterranean Sea, is it because of this mindset that the new president assigned the U.S. Navy to prepare the Sigonella Naval Air Station on Sicily for a covert operation to save the life of the Russian president, the man, most Americans, believe responsible for the incident. Will these brave souls be successful? Let’s find out.

The Far Side of Silence is now available on Amazon.



1. Who is the most famous Navy SEAL?

While many Navy SEALs have gained recognition for their extraordinary achievements, one of the most famous is Chris Kyle. A former Navy SEAL sniper, Kyle achieved legendary status for his remarkable skills and was portrayed in the movie “American Sniper.” His service and accomplishments have made him an iconic figure within and beyond the SEAL community.

2. How much are Navy SEALs paid?

Navy SEALs are compensated based on their rank and years of service, like any other military personnel. As of 2022, a SEAL with less than two years of experience earns base pay according to the enlisted pay scale, starting at around $21,000 annually. However, special pay, allowances, and bonuses may significantly increase their total compensation. Additionally, SEALs often receive hazardous duty pay and other benefits.

3. What do Navy SEALs do?

Navy SEALs, or Sea, Air, and Land Teams, are elite special operations forces responsible for various missions. Their primary roles include:

  • Direct Action: Conducting precise and swift military actions against specific targets.
  • Special Reconnaissance: Gathering intelligence in hostile environments.
  • Unconventional Warfare: Training and assisting foreign forces to achieve strategic objectives.
  • Counter-Terrorism: Responding to and preventing acts of terrorism.
  • Counter-Insurgency: Combating insurgencies and supporting friendly governments.
  • Hostage Rescue: Conducting high-risk operations to rescue hostages.
  • Counter-Narcotics: Combating drug trafficking and related threats.
  • Counter-Proliferation: Preventing the spread of weapons of mass destruction.

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